What to expect at the Practice?


First Appointment: Generally all appointments are around one hour long, including your initial appointment which will involve an in-depth consultation as well as treatment. The consultation aspect is important as it gives Hagen or Jill a more forensic picture of your body’s history which in turn informs a more effective treatment. Depending on your condition, treatments may be complemented by acupuncture and/or some nutritional advice.

What to expect at the Practice?


First Appointment: Generally all appointments are around one hour long, including your initial appointment which will involve an in-depth consultation as well as treatment. The consultation aspect is important as it gives Hagen or Jill a more forensic picture of your body’s history which in turn informs a more effective treatment. Depending on your condition, treatments may be complemented by acupuncture and/or some nutritional advice.

What is Myoreflex Therapy?


Myoreflex Therapy is a treatment philosophy, founded and developed by Dr. Kurt Mosetter in Germany, based on a variety of disciplines including contemporary medical knowledge, physical and biomechanical realities as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and modern neurophysiology. Put very simply, Myoreflex Therapy uses your own body to fix and reset itself. By stimulating tendons and applying pressure with expert precision, your Myoreflex Therapist uses the connections between muscle sets and brain to recalibrate the affected area and relax built up tension, i.e. pain.

  • Anatomy
  • Orthopaedics
  • Individual Pain Biography
  • Biochemistry, Neurobiochemistry
  • Physics
  • Biokinematics
  • Pyschological Medicine
  • Pyschotraumatology
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Nutrition
  • Brain to Gut Connection (kPNI)

The integration and collaboration between several medical disciplines to work together for the patient’s continuous benefit is the signature of Myoreflex Therapy.

What is Myoreflex Therapy?


Myoreflex Therapy is a treatment philosophy, founded and developed by Dr. Kurt Mosetter in Germany, based on a variety of disciplines including contemporary medical knowledge, physical and biomechanical realities as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and modern neurophysiology. Put very simply, Myoreflex Therapy uses your own body to fix and reset itself. By stimulating tendons and applying pressure with expert precision, your Myoreflex Therapist uses the connections between muscle sets and brain to recalibrate the affected area and relax built up tension, i.e. pain.

  • Anatomy
  • Orthopaedics
  • Individual Pain Biography
  • Biochemistry, Neurobiochemistry
  • Physics
  • Biokinematics
  • Pyschological Medicine
  • Pyschotraumatology
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Nutrition
  • Brain to Gut Connection (kPNI)

The integration and collaboration between several medical disciplines to work together for the patient’s continuous benefit is the signature of Myoreflex Therapy.

Your body hurts

Physical pain is frequently a result of our daily lives and experiences, and can often be a combination of physical and emotional burdens. Bad posture, old injuries, a difficult childbirth, emotional stress – just some of the root causes of physical pain or discomfort. The pain tells us there is a problem, Myoreflex Therapy helps interpret what that is and how to make it better.

What is pain?

If your body is not moving or working how it should, a disharmonious geometry of movement – pain is the alarm telling us something is out of kilter. Pain needs to be considered in the context of the whole body, as often where pain manifests itself may not be the cause of it. For example, painful headaches may be the symptom of lower back issues.

How Myoreflex works

Human bodies are all put together in the same way, for the most part, but each body soon becomes completely unique based on the life it leads. Physical and emotional traumas, injuries, diet, those movements we repeat thousands of times; each of our bodies is a unique history of these things, and pain is our body telling us that something is wrong. By understanding the patient’s history and daily habits, our therapist can identify the origin of pain, alleviate it (by resetting the affected muscle group) and then help the patient understand how to avoid a relapse.